In early spring, many people get excited about being outside in their yards as the temperature rises. This is also about the time people begin to notice some of the holes left after the previous year’s aeration in their lawns. While there is the temptation to fix this using spring seeding, it should be a last resort. Here’s why:
Bad Timing:
Spring time is not the best time to establish fescue seed. Late summer/early fall presents theperfect conditions to establish seed. You have almost eight months before your seed will be stressed out by the summer heat so there is time which gives it time to grow strong. Seeding in the springtime does now allow the grass to germinate properly before the stress of summer heat.
The Weed Problem:
When deciding if a spring seeding project is right for you, the first thing to consider is how bad your weed problem is. If your lawn has had minimal summer annual weeds (crabgrass, goosegrass, foxtail, etc.) in the past then a spring seeding project could work for you. On the other hand, if your lawn tends to have bad summer annual weed problem then you may want the wait until the fall to do you seeding. Here’s why: all of the pre-emergent herbicides that control these pesky weeds before they get growing will not be available to you if you seed. Pre-emergent Herbicides are great tools to prevent weeds seeds from germinating, but they would also prevent your intended fescue seed from germinating as well. There are alternative treatments that target weeds and save your new grass, but they typically aren’t available through home improvement stores which means you will need to hire a professional landscaper to help. With no pre-emergent herbicide applied weeds will be a consistent problem. If you can live with a weedy lawn, seeding in the springtime is an option.
It’s Expensive:
On average a spring seeding project can cost three times as much as a fall seeding project. Spring brings new life every year and also twice the weeds seeds germinating (weeds are so pesky!). Controlling the weeds in the spring is twice expensive as in the fall. This is due to the complex herbicide formulations required and the professional help needed to apply those chemicals.
So to sum it all up, spring seeding projects are certainly possible, but typically not practical.